- air group commander
- командир авиационной группы
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Air Group — Carrier Air Wing Three (CVW 3) im Februar 2008 an Deck der USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). Ein Carrier Air Wing (CVW) oder eine Carrier Air Group ist ein Geschwader von Kampfflugzeugen der US Navy, welches auf einem Flugzeugträger stationiert ist.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Commander, Air Group — Commander, Air Group, or CAG, refers to the Commander of the Air Wing aboard an aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy. The term traces its origins to 1938 when the first Carrier Air Group was formed. Air Groups were redesignated as Carrier Air Wings … Wikipedia
Commander, Air Group — CAG Bird: F 14 „Tomcat“ des CAG des Geschwaders CVW 14. Der Commander Air Group (CAG) ist der verantwortliche Offizier und Kommandeur des Trägergeschwaders an Bord von Flugzeugträgern und deren Trägerkampfgruppe der US Navy. Die Bezeichnung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Air Force Commander's Insignia — Description The Air Force Commander s Insignia is a badge of the United States Air Force which has been in existence since 2002. Also known as the USAF Commander’s Badge , the Air Force Commander s Insignia is awarded to any Air Force officer who … Wikipedia
Commander Air Group — CAG Bird: F 14 „Tomcat“ des CAG des Geschwaders CVW 14. Der Commander Air Group (CAG) ist der verantwortliche Offizier und Kommandeur des Trägergeschwaders an Bord von Flugzeugträgern und deren Trägerkampfgruppe der US Navy. Die Bezeichnung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Carrier Air Group — Carrier Air Wing Three (CVW 3) im Februar 2008 an Deck der USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). Ein Carrier Air Wing (CVW) oder eine Carrier Air Group ist ein Geschwader von Kampfflugzeugen der US Navy, welches auf einem Flugzeugträger stationiert ist.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Commander United Kingdom Maritime Forces — or COMUKMARFOR is a senior post in the Royal Navy. The post is the highest sea going command in the Royal Navy and is part of the Fleet Battle Staff based in Portsmouth, part of Commander in Chief Fleet s staff. The commander has the rank of Rear … Wikipedia
Commander, Naval Air Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet — AirLant Logo Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (aka COMNAVAIRLANT, AIRLANT, CNAL) is the aviation Type Commander (TYCOM) for the United States Atlantic Fleet naval aviation units. Type Commanders are in administrative control… … Wikipedia
Commander — For other uses, see Commander (disambiguation). Common anglophone military ranks Navies Armies Air forces Officers Admiral of the fleet Marshal / … Wikipedia
Air and Space Operations Center — 601st Air and Space Operations Center at Tyndall AFB, Florida An Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) is a type of command center used by the United States Air Force. It is the senior agency of the Air Force component commander to provide… … Wikipedia
Commander (United States) — In the United States, commander is a military rank that is also sometimes used as a military title, depending on the branch of service. It is also used as a rank or title in some organizations outside of the military, particularly in police and… … Wikipedia